16 June 2012

LOL, I’m a lousy blogger, aren’t I?


Mostly because I’ve rarely had anything other than the business to blog about.

BUT, that’s about to change. I’ve not posted on here in almost two months because we’ve been looking for a new house. In Nashville, TN.

We found one, and now we’re packing up our house, culling our belongings – we have a lot of big heavy crap that we no longer have any use for. A lot of it belonging to my husband and he seems to no longer have any use for the memories attached to some of these items, so we’re selling them or donating them. All of this is really good for us, the going through things. I know I have SO many pieces of clothing that no longer fit me because of the weight I’ve gained while fighting to get my business going and get my FMS under control. It’s been a fight and I think I’m finally winning the battle, even tough I know I won’t win the war in the long run. And while I could be the good little crafter and refuse to donate all those clothes that no longer fit and try to keep them all (“Oh no! I can drop all this weight and get back into them!” “No! I can make that into something!”) I know I will never upcycle or recycle them, so I will give them to people who can and will use them. It will lighten my soul and my heart to an extent and make room for the new to come into my life. I guess that’s always a part of moving, culling and getting rid of the old memories that don’t serve any other purpose than to remind you of bad things.

So, that’s what I’ve been up to. My office and design space is all packed up, the living room is rapidly filling with boxes, our bedroom was torn apart in order to get 2 of the 3 dressers we have out, since they were sold, along with the old dresser the giant 14 year old wanted to get rid of. So that’s 3 big heavy things we won’t be lugging to Nashville with us. We have a few more to go as well.

And until I get my office and design space set up – I will have an actual office! Not just a space in the living room corner! – I won’t be able to accept custom orders or get things shipped out. It’ll be roughly two and a half weeks, but believe me, once I’m back up and running, I’ll be a juggernaut!

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