23 June 2011

Let's all attack a very good program. NOT

I know I posted yesterday, but today, as I was reading the news, I came across this little nugget:

Does the 4H desensitize children to killing?

Now I don't know how many of you grew up on a farm or are currently living on a farm, but this makes no sense to me. The 4H program is solely to blame for the desensitization of our society's children? What about TV, movies, video games, the local news, the international news? There is a whole slew of things that are contributing to this problem, but this writer, and the commenters, choose to focus on a program developed for and geared toward rural kids who are growing up on and around living, breathing, working farms.

Guess it's better to let the little ones believe (like more than a few kids I've met recently, who've never even been on a farm, much less lived and worked on one) that meat magically appears, shrink wrapped, in the cooler at the super market. Gotta protect them from everything in the world all the time.

Personally, I would prefer to live on a farm and actually see where my food comes from and have a hand in producing it so it would be as safe and as a healthy as possible!

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