05 July 2011

Just a little aside . . .

THIS:  To permissive parents from the rest of the world.

Every once in a while, I come across a story that rings true with me. Like this one.

When my girls were growing up, I was what is now considered a Free-range parent. Same with my step-children now. I don't like people hovering over me, so I certainly don't want to have to hover over little people who are supposed to be exploring the world around them and learning how to live in it. However, that doesn't mean that I let them get away with being rude or acting out. I was lucky enough to have The Look and more than enough military training and bearing to keep them in check without having to lay a hand on them.
But permissive parents just irritate me to no end. They make me want to scream. Obviously, I am all for leting children explore, but there is a time and a place for everything and that time/place is not where you can inflict your ill-behaved child on the rest of us because you don't want to deal with him/her. As I told a lady in the grocery store (after scaring her child with the story of Krampusz after he hit me with a box of cake mix) if you consider your children your pets (meaning favourite little thing, not a literal pet) then you should at least learn to control them in public.

Rant over.
Hope everyone had a great 4th of July, I know I did! I will be posting pictures of completed projects in the next few days, as soon as I get them done!

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