Remember in yesterday’s post how I was talking about it almost being Thanksgiving and the leaves were changing but I still had flowers in bloom? Well, here are pictures. And yes, the Confederate Rose blooms at this time of year, so that’s normal, but the Hibiscus? A tropical plant still in bud, in the foothills, in November? It’s like I have my own weird little weather microclimate in my yard.
Our barn, no livestock in there, Danny (DH) stores his guitar stuff and spiders in there, although I think it would be a nice place for miniature goats or chickens . . .
Our backyard, with a little Confederate Rose peeking into the corner.
The bare-nekkid tree is the one that was half taken down in the spring storms this year, you can still see the fallen half on the ground, as well as the scar left when it fell. It narrowly missed our house. It was a nerve-wracking night, to say the least!
And here are my lovely knockout roses, which absolutely refused to bloom this entire summer, but decided to give the yard a little Thanksgiving colour
This is the Hibiscus I was talking about above, see the HUGE buds all over it? Another one that didn’t want to be a summer bloomer, along with one frazzled little dragon-wing begonia still blooming.
This is our gorgeous Confederate Rose. These are hard to come by and this one is HUGE! I was so incredibly happy to find it in our backyard, right next to the house.
Confederate Roses bloom white and over the course of a couple of days, they darken to pink, then to purple then they fall. It looks like a giant confetti party in the back yard.
And this is what the blooms look like in pink. I don’t have any that have gone purple yet, but when I find some, I will post a picture here for you to see.
That’s what my yard looks like this morning. Pretty nice, huh? Yeah, I think so too.
Now, here is what I have on my hook:
It’s called entrelac and it looks more complicated than it is. I discovered it on Ravelry and decided to try it and I’ve fallen in love with it. It’s a basic Tunisian Simple Stitch, worked in two colours, but you can do it in as many as you want, so I’d say this could be a good stash buster!
And now, I return you to your regularly scheduled programming, or loafing, whichever . . .
I say if those roses are still blooming next week you cut some down and bring them over for a Thanksgiving centerpiece =)
Oh most definitely!
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