03 April 2012

April 3rd #photoadayapril

Today’s assignment was “A person who makes you happy.” It was an interesting one, to say the very least.

I spent some time thinking about who all makes me happy and quite frankly, I couldn’t narrow it down to just one. I have friends around me who’ve been there through thick and thin, triumph and tragedy, I have family who care enough to stick around even when I go on my mini-tirades. And they all make me happy, for different reasons. I’ll explain after the picture.

Happy People



From left:

My friend Alecia. She’s a ginger, which means she has no soul, but she’s got a good heart and big dreams and even though she’s a liberal who makes me shake my damned head, life would be kind of boring without her reflecting sunlight all over the place.

That stunning blonde? That’s Tracey. She’s the organizer in our group and she’s the best! She’s the one who introduced me to Danny, she keeps me laughing and scratching my head with her stories from the road, and I am happy to hear from her all the time, even if it’s “WTF am I doing out here with all this insanity.”

Samantha is my Sister From Another Mother. She is fun-sized and bubbly and one of my biggest cheerleaders and best sounding boards. She has the best smile, it can light up an entire building and she is always the one I turn to for a giggle. And she’s also not above stuffing me with valium and champagne when I have complete meltdowns in the fabric store. And I would do all those things for her in a minute, without question.

The chica with the purple in her hair? Yeah, that’s my 22 year old daughter, Bethany. She put those streaks in her hair to match the wedding colours. THAT’S Bethany, always up for an adventure, always ready to try something new. She’s bold and daring and smart and funny. Everything I wanted her to be.

The woman in the red sari, that’s me.

That handsome devil standing next to me? THAT is my DH, Danny. Now he is without a doubt my biggest cheerleader. I drive him crazy, he drives me crazy, but we work well together. He works hard for his family, is one of the best at what he does. He doubts himself a lot, and though I may look at him like he’s nuts, I rarely doubt him. I <3 him!

Super-tall dude is my stepson Skyler. He’s 14, trying to figure out where he fits in the jigsaw puzzle of life. He’s smarter and funnier and more loyal and kind and caring than most people give him credit for and I really do hope he doesn’t become so jaded and caught up in crap that he loses those qualities I love the most about him.

Ah yes, PJ. He is my husband’s best friend since they were little. He’s funny, kind, talented and not big headed at all. He and his uber-gorgeous wife Jill had their first child last year, a little girl. PJ lights up like a beacon when they are around and that is a wonderful thing. Danny would do anything for PJ and I get the feeling that’s something mutual and for that I love PJ.

Then there is Chris. He’s sharp, funny, always up for busting Danny’s balls. But I also know in my heart he loves Danny almost like a brother. And he’s made me laugh every time I’ve seen him.

And finally, that little girl down front? That’s my stepdaughter, Lily. She doesn’t call me her “stepmom” though. She says I’m her “bonus mom” and she’s stuck to her guns on that one and that is a pretty good thing for a 6 year old to do. She and I craft together and do nails together and she lets me count the freckles on her nose.

But then there’s one person missing. My youngest daughter, Arri. She makes me laugh and I miss her terribly. She’s intelligent and bold and daring. She has a passion for racing and when I say passion, I mean an all encompassing adoration for the sport and I am glad she has that in her life. Her discipline, dedication and hard work will take her far and I can hardly wait to see where she goes!

1 comment:

mom said...

It's great to know your loved by so many . Just to let you know I Love you Too.